New EU VAT Rules | KPMG Update

רוני שרמן מרץ 2024

Starting in 2024, the European Union has implemented new regulations impacting all EU-based payment processors and payment service providers (PSPs). 
These regulations mandate the collection and reporting of data on specific cross-border transactions to the respective tax authorities.
Non-compliance could lead not only to potential penalties and interest but also to the severe consequence of having the company's account shut down, effectively halting business operations.

Leveraging our experience, we offer specialized advisory services for Israeli and non-EU businesses engaged in selling electronic services to EU consumers. 

If these new regulations could affect your operations, we invite you to reach out for tailored guidance and support.

For more information - click here

International Tax, KPMG Israel
מדיניות פרטיות הצהרת נגישות תנאי האתר

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