Power Platform Project Manager

KPMG is known as a great place to work and build a career,

About the job

KPMG has a large technology consulting department that specializes in the fields of artificial intelligence, digital channels, automation, big data, and more. Our growth is driven by providing concrete results for our customers. This approach is also reflected in our culture, which encourages personal development, a unique work environment, innovation, and excellence.

KPMG is currently looking for Microsoft Power Platform Project Manager.

Roles and responsibilities will include providing consulting services to the company's customers, manage big projects, manage employees, identification, characterization, and writing up, the customer's requirements.

There are many advancement and growth opportunities within the role.


  • Management skills- required
  • Employees management- advantage
  • Project management experience- required
  • One or more years of Hands on experience
  • Experience from the world of consulting is an advantage
  • Hands-on capabilities on Microsoft Power Platform, Copilot 365 or Dynamics 365 - advantage
  • Preliminary acquaintance with the worlds of AZURE are an advantage
  • Knowledge and understanding of technological processes such as characterizations, development, and testing - required
  • Good English
  • Independent thinker, lots of initiative, and self-teaching capabilities – always a plus

The position is open for all genders as well as people with disabilities

Amazing! This is my dream job

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