Calculating the Fine Details
we are dedicated to uncovering both the known and the unknown. We delve into the fine details, cross-reference data, and transform every challenge into an opportunity, creating a cohesive vision that guides you to success.
The teams we have chosen for you consist of experts in audit, tax, consulting, and technology who are knowledgeable in your sector and work in full synchronization to create a shared growth engine.
The technological arm of KPMG is one of Israel's leading technology groups, providing a comprehensive range of advanced technological solutions. We specialize in consulting and implementing technologies for strategic projects that demand success.
We are dedicated to promoting sustainable development and recognize our collective responsibility to forge a better future. In this spirit, we empower both our clients and our staff to become catalysts for positive change in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters. We believe that intelligent ESG initiatives not only benefit the environment but also enhance business practices. We support our clients in launching innovative initiatives and foster connections among companies, communities, and governments to improve the ecosystem we all share.
At KPMG, our employees form the backbone of our organization, which is why we invest heavily in our community and cultivate a work environment that is professional, respectful, collaborative, and conducive to development. We are committed to supporting our employees by tailoring career paths and providing guidance every step of the way.
KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee
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