Communications and Energy Team

A Select Team* - A diverse team of professionals in audit, tax, advisory, and technology, each with specific sector expertise, working in perfect synchrony to meet client needs.

Connected and Connecting

The world of communications in Israel and internationally thrives on dynamism and innovation. It experiences rapid changes and advancements that propel the surrounding technological landscape towards the future. These shifts necessitate our team's continual updates in technology, regulation, and business environments. Our team is led by partners with specialized expertise who are well-acquainted with both domestic and international communication companies, granting us a comprehensive perspective and deep understanding of complex business issues within the sector.

Additionally, our team is deeply engaged in one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy—energy, including renewable energy. These sectors, much like communications, profoundly affect the lives of billions globally. They demand a thorough grasp of evolving trends, the integration of emerging technologies, and the crafting of solutions to meet the unique challenges faced by both renewable and traditional energy companies. Our team provides guidance and consultancy to a broad spectrum of clients, from the largest corporations in the Israeli market to emerging startups and small businesses.

Our team provides clients with a sustainable competitive advantage, guiding companies through significant milestones such as acquisitions, mergers with both local and international entities, and initial public offerings (IPOs). We specialize in serving both local and global companies, accompanying them on their business journeys with an in-depth understanding of the Israeli and global markets. Our team members collaborate in full synchronization to offer each client tailored services that best meet their needs, considering our comprehensive range of capabilities.

Our client base includes media groups and journalism outlets, cellular giants, renewable energy producers, private power plants, and oil and gas companies. Being part of a global firm, we conduct cross-border operations for international clients and provide audit and consulting services to both global and Israeli companies.

These are just some of the services we offer:

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Technological research
  • Enhancing customer experience
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Why KPMG's Communications and Energy Team?

Sectoral specialization
Dedicated and limited staff
Unique adaptation to your needs
A panoramic view
Creativity and business initiative

Accompanying Partners

Additional services we offer

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KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee
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