Indirect Taxes

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The Indirect Taxes department at KPMG Israel is among the largest of its kind in the country, staffed with accountants, lawyers, and tax consultants who are renowned experts in indirect taxes. Our team addresses the full spectrum of indirect taxes, including VAT, customs, purchase tax, Luxury Tax, and the Cash Law.

In its operations, the department represents clients during audits and investigations by VAT and customs offices, handles applications for complex tax rulings, secures tax reliefs, corrects reports, and obtains various approvals. Additionally, our team provides expert tax opinions and memoranda, offers advice on intricate tax issues, and gives ongoing guidance on matters related to indirect taxes such as agreement reviews, transaction and merger support, advice on holding structures, and structuring transactions for optimal tax efficiency.

Our department benefits from a blend of professionals who have prior experience within VAT authorities and those who have developed their expertise in the private sector. This unique combination equips our team with a profound understanding of the inner workings, procedures, policies, and the "oral law" of VAT authorities. This insight generates substantial added value for our clients, enabling them to manage indirect tax risks effectively while ensuring full legal compliance and optimal, non-excessive taxation.

Accompanying Partners

The Team - 360 For You

The team surrounding you is composed of the finest professionals in consulting, audit, taxation, and technology, each specializing in your sector. They work in complete synchronization to forge a unified growth engine.

Technology Team
Technology Team
Finance Team
Finance Team
Real Estate Team
Real Estate Team
Insurance Team
Insurance Team
Emerging Companies Team
Emerging Companies Team
Government Team
Government Team
Industry and Retail Team
Industry and Retail Team
Communications and Energy Team
Communications and Energy Team
Public Entities and NPOs Team
Public Entities and NPOs Team

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KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee
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