Real Estate Team

A Select Team* - A diverse team of professionals in audit, tax, advisory, and technology, each with specific sector expertise, working in perfect synchrony to meet client needs.

Creativity in a Complex and Changing Field

The real estate sector is inherently complex and subject to continuous evolution, marked by instability and business uncertainties that challenge every organization within the industry and complicate long-term planning. Entrepreneurs are increasingly undertaking larger and more complex projects, necessitating greater capital for financing. To support companies and entrepreneurs in navigating the specific challenges of the real estate sector, we have established the Real Estate Team. This team consists of professionals with extensive expertise and experience in the field. They collaborate with clients involved in real estate and renewable energy, supporting both public and private companies at the domestic and international levels. This includes working with leading entrepreneurial firms and contractors, as well as the majority of private power stations.

The specialized focus of our Real Estate and Renewable Energy Team at KPMG enables us to assist you effectively through any challenges that may arise and to forge strategic connections. With our extensive client base and collaborations with institutional actors, we excel at creating advantageous connections within our network. This includes facilitating the matching of those in need of financing with potential financiers, aiding in company sales or acquisitions, and bridging connections between entrepreneurs and investors.

Our team is composed of seasoned audit and consulting professionals who excel at optimizing tax structures across different countries. They are skilled in devising creative solutions tailored to your specific needs, thereby adding value by integrating knowledge and expertise to produce outcomes greater than the sum of their parts.

Before you embark on a new project, we conduct thorough evaluations to assess your options, potential partnerships, the economic viability of the venture, and ensure that all efforts align with your best interests.

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Why Choose KPMG's Real Estate Team?

Sectoral expertise
A dedicated and streamlined team
A unique match to your needs
Panoramic and broad perspective
Creativity and business initiative

Accompanying Partners

Additional services we offer

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KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee
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